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15 Budget Honeymoon Ideas

No one wants to mean their honeymoon. Posh accommodations, intimate meals, and a soothing massage ranking almost every wedding wish list, but most people do not have unlimited expense account. Need to take the backpack and hostel route - just focus on these five areas, reduce your honeymoon costs.

Your participation in a little early to run errands toward a balanced budget for your honeymoon a long way to go.

1. Consider travel
It is easy to find a flight and hotel booking on the Internet, so the idea of ​​cooperation with travel agencies seem outdated. Although it is not for everyone, Tim Leffel, your tourist dollars worth of wealth, "the authors note that travel agents can save money for those who did not take into account the specific destination." If you just want to go to a nice Caribbean island, stay in the hotel on the beach, agents can often be found, you may run into their own transactions. "So, if you set in the heart of the Four Seasons Nevis, the use of the network, if you open any number of islands and beach resorts, travel agents.

2. Use of frequent flyer miles
If you pay the cost of the wedding, your honeymoon is your brains on your credit card bonus points for all the cash the best time. Free tickets are great, of course, even if you do not have enough miles, you can still upgrade from coach to first class, so that your style of your honeymoon in the beginning and end.

3. Started honeymoon registry
Participate in your wedding as part of the tradition, the guests give you gifts, most of which will be directly from your wedding registry stores. If you have enough sheets and China's just not your style, set up a honeymoon registry, and have guests pay part (or all) of your trip, instead of traditional gifts. or site provides a small percentage of the total gift registries. You can also register, like Marriott or Disney resort.

Open mind, while picking the honeymoon point to give you a better chance of finding a good deal.

4. Full use of the shoulder season
Each destination has a high and low season - high season, there are crowds and high prices, and cheap off-season (usually because of bad weather). Shoulder season, however, is the right on the cusp of high and low, so prices are more reasonable, because there is a demand and the weather is still far from attractive. Start of the season after shoulder Caribbean spring break. "In mid-April to mid-June is a good time to hit the Caribbean, Leffel said." (If you like European honeymoon, late spring and early autumn to find.)

5. No flat dollar
The poor currency exchange rates can destroy your budget. Compared to the euro, the dollar has become more and more negligible, so look for a destination, you still have some worth the money. Leffel recommends heading in the Spanish-speaking Latin America, anywhere - from Mexico to Chile - or check out the best of our budget honeymoon sidebar.

6. Consider an all-inclusive
In an all-inclusive resort honeymoon is one of the best reasons that you have a clear estimate of how much your trip will cost and budget accordingly. What you pay for, and several dietary factors in the holiday, day trips, or other travel may not include restaurants. Then you will have a solid idea, how much you spend.

From point A to point B can be your most bills submitted, but there are simple ways to save.

7. Fly off peak
Flight cheaper on certain days of the week. If you are in the country, flying on a Sunday, in order to avoid business travelers. If you go abroad, to find a better deal on Monday or Tuesday to leave.

8. Asked whether including airport transfers
When you book the hotel, take the airport trying to score (some hotels provide free transportation services). If a taxi is your only choice, hail a taxi at the airport, transport specific, rather than who sidles in the baggage claim, and provides a lifting of some people riding area.

9. The use of underground
Unless you rent a car, using as many of the underground. Cab ride, while convenient, will inevitably cause serious damage to your budget. Before you travel, you are familiar with the main mode of transport honeymoon scene, subway, tram or bus. Money is not the only benefit of underground - in the crowded city, the subway is often the quickest way across town.

A depressing room can ruin a trip, but the money does not mean stay in the dump.

10. Get a room no comments
Check any hotel website, you will find prices. Room size and view there are two factors, the price hike. Reduction of booking the room, slightly lower than the charming landscape, your accommodation costs. When you spend most of your time on the beach, you will be hard to find your room have a sea or garden views, and can save significant.

11. Survey package
If the hotel provides a "honeymoon package", Leffel recommended to take a closer look to see if it is real money saving deal. If the offer price is six to five, it is worth it. If you brought a bag of rose petals at turndown service, coupled with an increase of $ 200 champagne, it abandoned in the normal room rate for extras and book cheap.

12. Moreover, you are newlyweds
Typically, you can use your special treatment on your honeymoon (free). Although there is no hard and fast rules of practice - or guarantee the hotel will do anything - it is worth to tell the receptionist you will spend with them the first day of married life. We have heard of couples get a free room upgrade. Also worth a drop of the H word, when you check at the airport, bound by any bartender offers a round on the house.

A remarkable honeymoon needs great food and drinks, but food costs add up. Learn how to maximize your meal.

13. Deviation from the hotel
The hotel is definitely a casual dining restaurant, but often with a clear price and convenience. Consulted the guide book of some other options.

14. Talk to local people
With some insider information, you will find in the Caribbean, a humble fish market stand or a hole in the wall street bistro in Europe, to provide you the best meal the entire trip. Ask them to select the best bite in town, the local baker, butcher, or fishmonger - the opportunity, it would be a reasonable price, absolutely delicious.
15. Prepare several meals
Make your own lunch, not a lack of romance. Grocery store and stock sandwich ingredients, fruit, and other picnic goods. Trek to a secluded place, and enjoy a private lunch. You will save money, rather than miss the memories worth every honeymooner.

